Option 1: Subscribe
Only $40/mo or $400/year to access to our digital menu system
Integration assistance adding to your website
Access to the CEO to suggest features or new ideas
Simplest engagement, no need to honor user tokens
Option 2: Become a Partner
Everything from Option 1
Discounted access to our digital menu - $20/mo or $200/year
Increased customer base from users with tokens
Choose benefit(s) to allow (Pint/Flight/$5 Coupon)
Features We Offer Breweries/Restaurants
Web Menu - Always Up To Date
Screenshot of DraughtPick Interactive Web Menu
TV Tap List for your Brewery
Screenshot of DraughtPick TV Tap List
Customizable Print Menu
Screenshot of DraughtPick Print Menu
Admin Functionality
Screenshot of DraughtPick Partner Manage Beer Page
Easy to update Manage Beer web interface.
Screenshot of DraughtPick Partner Manage Food Page
Easy to update Manage Food web interface, including images of each item.
Screenshot of DraughtPick Partner Manage TV Tap List Page
Create a TV Tap List with lots of customizable options, and include your own slideshow images and PDFs.
Screenshot of DraughtPick Partner Print Page
Easily print your menus with lots of customizable options, or use a QR code to your web menu.